Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
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Gioconda "I giovani contano nelle decisioni su ambiente e salute" - LIFE 225

Responsabile: prof.ssa Maria Antonella Brandimonte
Data inizio: 2014
Data fine: 2016

Reducing the burden of disease associated with environmental health risks is a European priority. In 2004 at the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health the Children's Environmental and Health Action Plan (CEHAP) for Europe was drafted to set regional priority goals for European countries to reduce, and where possible to eliminate, children's exposure to environmental health risks. To implement the CEHAP, Ministers of European countries committed to a set of actions to design and implement national CEHAPs. Among the main actions encouraged by the Conference, and those to which ministers subsequently committed, was:
Supporting evaluation of the social and economic costs and benefits of action and in action, taking into account children's particular needs. In doing so, the internalization of externalities in cost-benefit analyses will be advocated, in order to facilitate policy development.
Following CEHAP actions, the aim of GIOCONDA is to provide a comprehensive and flexible tool to aid policy makers in involving young individuals in their decision making process and to take young individuals health benefits into account in the evaluation of the cost and the benefits of measures to reduce air pollution and/or noise exposure.


Procedura selettiva pubblica per l'affidamento di un incarico di collaborazione di "Attività di ricognizione delle scuole da coinvolgere nel progetto Gioconda" e "Attività di preparazione della metodologia per le analisi statistiche, creazione di una banca dati unificata ed elaborazione risultati"


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