Responsabile: prof.ssa Maria Antonella Brandimonte
Data inizio: 2023
Perceptually shared experience (PSE) happens when an individual perceives X and also perceives that someone else is perceiving X, establishing a triadic relationship between this perceiver, a referent in the physical environment, and another referent in the social environment. There is scattered evidence that PSE may play a fundamental role in human cognition and communication, but the current evidence falls short of providing a unified theoretical framework and relevant methodological tools. As part of an ongoing effort in our labs to address this problem in its theoretical, empirical, and applied implications, we will perform two coordinated lines of experiments aimed at revealing the behavioral and neural underpinnings of PSE. Experiments will be performed in close collaboration between two research units at the university of Parma and at the university "Suor Orsola Benincasa" of Naples. Each unit will be coordinated by internationally known experts in perception and sensorimotor processes (Parma) and memory and cognitive neuroscience (Naples).Experiments will be preceded by an in-depth preliminary examination of the avaible findings on PSE, and will be followed by a dissemination phase which will include explorations of potential applications to the design of platforms for digitally-mediated interpersonal communication. Results will advance current knowledge on the nature of PSE, of the stimulus conditions that trigger it, and on its consequences at the behavioral and neural levels. Given the status of PSE on current theories of learning, the dissemination of our results will potentially also impact on teaching practices, pedagogy, and related instructional methods.
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