Projects and Researches
MedEatResearch/1: Longevity and Mediterranean Diet in Southern Italy
The research analyzed the anthropological correlation between food habits and longevity in the Cilento National Park (Salerno)
MedEatResearch/2: Do Italian University Students know the Mediterranean Diet?
Aim of the research was to check if University students knew that the Mediterranean Diet is a UNESCO Cultural Heritage. The research was realized with the collaboration of the Universities of Milano-Bicocca, Perugia and Palermo
MedEatResearch/3: The Mediterranean Diet conquers Christmas
A study on Christmas habits and traditions of the inhabitants of the Campania region
MedEatResearch/4: The Mediterranean Diet and the Michelin Starred Chefs
The study investigated how the Italian chefs awarded by Michelin Stars perceive the Mediterranean Diet
MedEatResearch/5: The Pioneers of the Mediterranean Diet
The study is an ethnographic reconstruction of the lives of the researchers of the Seven Countries Study who discovered the Mediterranean Diet and its benefits on health
MedEatResearch/6: The Universal Pyramid of the Mediterranean Diet®
It's a graphic logo that translates the food pyramid in a social and anthropological life style
MedEatResearch/7: Made of Pasta. A social history of pasta
A study in the Campania Region on the social history of pasta, analyzing both the production and the consumption aspects
Mediterradio Project
In the occasion of EXPO 2015 the MedEatResearch Center and RAI-Radio3 narrate the discovery of the Mediterranean Diet in a radio series. The series was broadcast from May 4 to 8 in the radio programs "Tre Soldi" and "Dove sta Zazà".
Granaries of Mediterranean Project
Granaries of Mediterranean is a project of the University "Suor Orsola Benincasa", main partner in the South of Italy of the international project "Granaries of Memory", promoted with the scientific cooperation of the University of Scienze Gastronomiche of Pollenzo and Slow Food International.
The project's aim is to create a wide archive of interviews with witnesses of the Mediterranean food culture in the South of Italy and in the international science.
Every video interview is subtitled in English and posted on the website of the "Granaries of Memory" in the specific section "Granaries of Mediterranean" (
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