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The Research Centre
The Research Centre in European Private Law (ReCEPL) was established by D.R. February 8, 2016. It pursues, including the statutory purposes, the objective to carry out studies and research about Private law at European level (as well as to disseminate information and results from this research and to train scientific expertise) in comparative perspective among different European national systems and in perspective of their uniformity.
In the perspective of uniform regulation, also considering the opportunities for its effective implementation in specific sectors, ReCEPL develops research itineraries on the relationship between law and new technologies, working in close collaboration with the Living Lab Utopia, Laboratory of legal area of the Interdepartmental Research Centre New Science.
The equipment of the most modern technological instruments of the New Science Center, allows ReCEPL researchers to adopt innovative research and study methodologies (empirical studies, behavioral analyses), conducted jointly with scholars and academics of non-legal disciplines (statistical area, IT , neuroscience) that have joined the Center and with researchers (engineering, psychological, human-machine interaction (HMI) and communication sciences) that belong to New Science Center.
ReCEPL, as a place of interdisciplinary research between experts and researchers, has so far conducted research in the legal and technological area on the topics of: data data in the digital environment, through behavioral and legal analysis, civil liability and automatic devices, bio-law and biotechnology, law, computation and simulation, neuroscience and law (so-called Neurolaw), online personality rights, digital inheritance.
ReCEPL has a dense network of collaborations with national, international and foreign universities and research centers (the Université de Lyon 3 - France; the Université de Chambery Savoie Mont Blanc - France; the Institute for automation of Hanover - Germany; Departamento de Derecho Civil and Internacional Privado de la Universidad de Sivilla - Spain; the CCC Legal Center of Cambridge - England; the Universidad Catòlica del Uruguay - Uruguay) and has a Visiting Researcher program for foreign researchers.
The Center also proposes to provide advice on highly complex issues in the private sector, to draft legislative proposals, to hold hearings with legislative bodies and independent bodies.
Thanks to the multidisciplinary knowledge and skills developed by the researchers of the ReCEPL it can support the commission of public bodies, judicial bodies or private subjects, in the solution of legal or interrelationship issues between legal issues and other disciplines, and in the implementation of projects, start-ups, spin-offs, and other initiatives.
The consultancy activity is divided, more specifically, in:
- elaboration of uniform normative texts (suitable to compose in a single rule
instances of different origin)
- carrying out research activities to investigate certain issues or issues that
are highly complex and involving more than one legal system;
- preparation of reports on the basis of the client's requests, which take the
form of the preparation of various documents (papers, forms, impact analysis,
- Regulatory Impact Analysis (AIR);
- legal design in the context of serial and non-serial contracts;
- issues of bio-ethics or affecting ethical and legal relationships.
Even ReCEPL's consultancies can make use of the methodologies developed by the Research Center, ranging from the analysis of positive law, national and international, to empirical analyses, also in the legal field (Empirical Legal Studies) and to human-machine interface surveys or human being centered design.
Alongside the Centre's developed conference activities, its researchers, including projects in Europe, have developed significant training activities and scientific journals concerning research activities conducted in ReCEPL.
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