Area medicina legale (Area 6)
Giuseppe Longobardi
Surgeon, specialist in paediatrics, Family pediatrician, Local Health Authority - ASL Caserta
Areas of interest: pediatric medicine
Luigi Montano
Medical Doctor, Specialist in Uro-Andrology, Andrology Unit and Service of Lifestyle Medicine, Local Health Authority - ASL Salerno
Areas of interest: Environmental and reproductive health
Gianluca Montanari Vergallo
Assistant Professor of Legal Medicine
"Sapienza" University of Rome
Areas of interest: Biolaw, medical liability, non-pecuniary damages.
Area ingegneria dell'informazione (Area 9)
Christiancarmine Esposito
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
University of Salerno - Department of Computer Science
Areas of interest: Security, Dependability, Distributed Algorithms, AI, Game Theory, Blockchain, IoT, Privacy.
Antonino Mazzeo
Professor emeritus in Computer Science
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (DIETI)
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Research topic: performance evaluation of computing systems, concurrent languages and parallel
programming, industrial embedded systems, IOT, secure and fault-tolerant computing, secure e-government, documents dematerialization.
Raffaele Montella
Associate Professor of Computer Science
University of Naples "Parthenope"
Areas of interest: Workflows for large data science, HPC, Virtualization, Cloud Computing,
Distributed Computing, Mobile/Embedded computing and Internet of Things.
Eng. Roberta Presta
Research Fellow
University Suor Orsola Benincasa
Ph.D. Information and Automation Engineering
Ph.D. Humanities and Technologies
Areas of interest: Human Computer Interaction
Vittorio Tagliafierro
Planning & Management Control Advisor
Engineer in Genoa
Areas of interest: Renewables Energies, Electrical Engineering, Accounting, Budgeting, Planning, Economic & financial Assestment.
Area lingue e traduzione (Area 10)
Jasna Geric
Accredited teacher of Legal English, Legal French and Legal German by
Italy's Supreme Judicial Council.
Accredited interpreter, translator and language teacher by Italy's
Association of Chartered Accountants.
Appointed translator for English, French, German, Spanish, and Serbian by
the Court of Rome
Accredited as interpreter and translator by the German Embassy in Rome
and by the Swiss Embassy in Rome
In Charge of the courses "Legal English", commissioned by ILA and
distributed by the Training School IPSOA, and "Business Legal", distributed by
Master in European Citizenship and Public Administration at the International
University of Rome
Areas of interest: Legal e Business translations, editorial works.
Area scienze filosofiche e psicologiche (Area 11)
Elena Paola Carola Alessiato
Associated Professor for History of Philosophy, Ph.D. in Political Philosophy
University Suor Orsola Benincasa Naples
Areas of interest: German political culture of 19. and 20. century, Political Realism, Post-hegelism, Karl Jaspers, J.G. Fichte and Classical German Idealism, Epistemology of the digital world, Digital Welfare State, Capability Approach.
Luisella Battaglia
Full Professor of Bioethics, University of Genoa
Adjunct Professor of Bioethics and Moral Philosophy, Suor Orsola
Benincasa University of Naples
Areas of interest: Bioetichs, Moral Philosophy
Area diritto dell'economia (Area 12)
Maria Antonia Ciocia
Full Professor of Private Law
Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania
Areas of interest: Civil liability, Circular economy law, Consumer protection, Environmental law.
Gennaro Civero
Ph.D. in Quantitative Economics and Eurolanguages for the sustainability of well-being, University of Naples Parthenope
Areas of interest: Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility
Area professioni legali (Area 12)
Flavio Cassandro
Lawyer and Appointed Professor
Advanced Law School and Artificial intelligence law trainer
Areas of interest: Tort Law and Contractual liability, Predictive justice,
Computational law, International Private and Procedural Law, European Union Law.
Gianfranco D'Aietti
Adjunct Professor
Bocconi University (Milan) - Pavia University
Ex Judge
Creator of Expert Systems in Law (Italy)
Areas of research: Artificial Intelligence in law, predictive justice, computational thinking for jurists.
Emanuela Fiorito
LL.M. in U.S. Law
George Mason University School of Law
Areas of interest: Administrative Law, Environmental Law
Giancarlo Iaccarino
Notary district di Napoli, Torre Annunziata e Nola
Contract Professor of the Graduate school for the legal professions
University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa
Areas of interest: Technologies in the notary profession, New teaching
Andrea Lisi
Scientific Director and Professor of I Level Master Degree "The professionals of digitazion and privacy", University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza
President of ANORC Professioni and Secretary general of ANORC
Areas of interest: Privacy, Cybersecurity, Digital preservation, E-invoicing, E-business, Contracts, E-gov, E-health, New Technology Law.
Gianluca Ludovici
Postdoctoral Researcher, Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Ph.D. e S.S.P.L. Master, L.U.I.S.S. Guido Carli di Roma
Areas of interest: Private law, Civil Procedural law, Predictive justice
Luigi Viola
Civil Lawyer
Scientific director of the 1st Level Master Degree in Jurimetrics at Pegaso Telematic University
Director of the Advanced Law School
Areas of interest: Civil and contractual liability, Jurimetrics, Predictive justice, Computational law
Area scienze giuridiche (Area 12)
Annamaria Abbruzzese
Research fellow and Adjunct Professor
Ph.D. in Legal Theory and the European Legal Order
University of Magna Graecia di Catanzaro
Areas of interest: common goods, property rights, civic uses, family law,
Civil liability, medical liability, law and technology.
Carlos Antonio Agurto Gonzales
Professor of Private Comparative Law
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú)
Areas of interest: Rights of the person; Civil Liability, Latin American Private Law.
Claudia Benanti
Researcher in Private Law, Ph.D, University of Catania, Law Department
Areas of interest: Green Economy, Family Law, Inheritance Law
Dr. Francesca Bertelli
Researcher of Private Law, Unitelma Sapienza
Ph.D. in Business and Law, Università degli Studi di Brescia
Areas of interest: Contract Law, Consumer Law, Antitrust, Sustainability
and Green Transition, ESG factors, Litigation funding, Restorative Justice.
Cristina Caricato
Associate Professor
Sapienza Università di Roma
Areas of interest: Private Law, Family Law
Roberto Caso
Associate Professor of Comparative Private Law
Faculty of Law, University of Trento
LawTech Group
Areas of interest: Comparative Law, Intellectual Property, Privacy and Data Protection, Internet Law
Dr. Georges Cavalier
Qualified as a University Professor by the French National Council for Universities
LL.M Georgetown (Washington D.C.)
University of Lyon
Areas of interest: tax law, new technologies, business law
Francesco Di Ciommo
Full Professor and lawyer
LUISS "Guido Carli" of Rome
Areas of interest: Private law, Economy and Financial, Banking and
Agri-food Markets Law, Corporate Governance.
Francesca Di Lella
Researcher in Private law, University of Napoli Federico II
Research topic: Rights of person, family law and minors, biolaw
Ph.D. Domenico Fauceglia
Research fellow, Tor Vergata University of Rome
Areas of interest: Contract law, Property Law, Tort Law; Corporate and commercial law
Patrizia Ferragamo
Adjunct Professor of Methodology of Legal Science and of Equality,
Diversity and Inclusion
L.U.I.S.S. Guido Carli Univesity of Rome
Areas of interest: General Theory of Law, Theory of Justice, Legal Logic.
Massimo Foglia
Researcher, Ph.D.
University of Bergamo
Research topic: Digital identity, Data protection, Protection of the rights of individuals, Biolaw
Ilaria Garaci
Associate Professor in Private Law, Università Europea di Roma
Areas of interest: New technologies law, Protection of the individuals, Minors' protection
Aldo Iannotti della Valle
Ph.D. in Humanities and Technologies: an integrated research path
Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli
Lawyer - administrative law
Areas of interest: Public Law, Internet regulation, Government
procurement, Antitrust.
Sara Landini
Full Professor of Business Law, University of Florence
Areas of interest: Law and Technology, Financial Market, Health law
Giovanni Martini
Associate Professor
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
Areas of interest: Sanctioning power of the Public Administration,
Sports organization, private property and administrative restrictions.
Roberta Montinaro
Associate Professor of Private law, University of Naples «l'Orientale»
Areas of interest: New technology law, Consumer Law
Gaetano Edoardo Napoli
Full Professor of Private Law
Unitelma Sapienza
Areas of interest: Civil Liability, Contract Law, Incapacity, Condominium,
Family Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Teresa Pasquino
Full Professor of Private Law
Trento University, Law Department
Areas of interest: Ethics by design, risks impact assessment, Artificial Intelligence, ICT
Margherita Pittalis
Associate Professor of Private Law
University of Bologna
Areas of interest: Sports Law, Animal Law, Contracts, Civil Liability.
Francesco Rossi
Full Professor of Private Law
University of Naples Federico II
Areas of interest: Law of obligations, Persons and Family Law.
Laura Schiuma
Full Professor of Business Law
University of Perugia
Areas of interest: company law; industrial law and intellectual property
Carla Solinas
Associate Professor of Civil Law
"Tor Vergata" University of Rome
Areas of interest: contract, data protection, privacy, markets and
regulation, new technology law, energy law.
Laura Valle
Full Professor of Private Law
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Areas of interest: Data protection, Online contracts,
Corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability of the business,
Regulation of the succession of family businesses.
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