Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
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Research Centre in European Private Law

Focus Groups

Animals Law

Università di Bologna      Lega Anti Vivisezione

Prof. Avv. Lucilla Gatt (Cattedra Jean Monnet PROTECH)
Prof. Vincenzo Omaggio
Ph.D. Avv. Carla Campanaro

Research Team

Members: Prof.ssa Ilaria A. Caggiano (Cattedra Jean Monnet EUGREENEXT), Prof.ssa Margherita Pittalis, Magistrato dott. Pasquale Ucci, Ph.D. Avv. Maria Cristina Gaeta, PhD. Avv. Paola Grimaldi, Ph.D. Avv. Anna Anita Mollo, PhD. Avv. Livia Aulino, Avv. Laura Mascolo, Dr. PhD(c) Luigi Izzo, dott. Luigi Nappi.
Trainee: Benedetta Auricchio

Suor Orsola Benincasa University, through ReCEPL, has undertaken a collaboration with Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna and LAV (Anti Vivisection League) to address the most recent issues concerning animal rights from a legal point of view.

The objective is to study the evolution of animal protection regulations between national law and European laws, analyzing case law, practical cases and critical issues, with a view to possible future modifications or interpretations of regulations that are increasingly in line with the protection of animals as sentient beings.

At present, in the consciousness society has increased its sensitivity to animals of domestic species, to the point of stimulating the evolution of law that is moving toward the recognition of legal subjectivity to nonhuman living beings. This stands in contrast to the survival of animal experimentation practices as well as current regulations on the protection of domestic animals, especially in the field of basic research.

The collaboration between UNISOB, UNIBO and LAV aims to map the regulatory landscape from a national and comparative perspective, analyzing the hermeneutic options concretely offered by the regulatory provisions currently in place, in order to identify the regulatory profiles that most need updating and/or adaptation.

The network created also aims to interact with scientific and medical circles and researchers in order to foster a cultural interaction between scientific and legal research to formulate new paradigms of thought and action in the field of animal experimentation and human nutrition.

The Research Group has already participated in area projects, formulated scientific proposals and organized initiatives and events such as:
- ReCEPL Initiatives and Events: Focuses, Workshops, Conferences, Doctoral Lectures;
- Publications of the research team on animal protection;
- Research projects on animal experimentation and human nutrition;
- Useful links for information and updates on the research topic.

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