Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
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Research Centre in European Private Law


Logo AutoMate

Title: AutoMate

ReCEPL is member of the Advisory board of the European Project AutoMate which aims to develop, demonstrate and evaluate the "TeamMate Car" concept as a major enabler of highly automated vehicles. This concept is based on viewing and designing the automation as the driver's transparent and comprehensible cooperative companion or teammate. Driver and automation are regarded as members of one team that understand and support each other in pursuing cooperatively the goal of driving safely, efficiently and comfortably from A to B.

In order to realize the concept AutoMate performs research and develops innovations for 7 technical enablers: (1) Sensor and Communication, (2) Probabilistic Driver Modelling and Learning; (3) Probabilistic Vehicle and Situation Modelling; (4) Adaptive Driving Manoeuvre Planning, Execution and Learning; (5) Online Risk Assessment; (6) TeamMate HMI; and (7) TeamMate System Architecture.

Link: http://www.automate-project.eu

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