Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
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Research Centre in European Private Law

Visiting Professors and Scholars

Every year the Research Centre hosts foreign professors and researches within the ReCEPL mobility program. The visiting Professors and Scholars give their contribution to the teaching and the research activities of the Centre and, more in general, to the Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli, where the Centre is based.

ReCEPL visiting titles policy distinguishes among the following two titles: Visiting Professors or Visiting Scholars.

Visiting Professors are individuals of high standing in their academic position who have reached important goals. They are invited as Visiting at Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Professor for a specific period of time, on the request of the ReCEPL, and during their stay they give lessons to undergraduates and/or postgraduates students of the University.

Visiting Scholars, instead, are experienced researcher available to collaborate with ReCEPL on a specific research project, or early career researcher who intends to carry out research activities at ReCEPL. The duration of the stay at the ReCEPL goes from at least one week to six-months and, during their stay, they have the possibility to carry out research activities at ReCEPL having free access to ReCEPL library and databases.

Visiting Scholars

Viviana Visaggio
1 marzo - 1 giugno 2024
Università di Salamanca

Chiara Comberiati
1 marzo - 18 marzo 2024
Università degli Studi di Macerata

Previous Visiting Professors

Prof. Stefan Vogenauer - Direttore del Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Francoforte (DE)
3-12 aprile 2023
Contract Language and Contractual Interpretation: Comparative Perspectives
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Jeremy Antippas, Université Jean Moulin - Lyon III (Francia)
16-30 aprile 2022
La Responsabilità civile e la tutela dell'ambiente
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Toni Jeager-Fine, Fordham University (New York)
18 marzo 2022 - 29 aprile 2022
Introduction to the U.S. Legal System - Programme (pdf)
14 aprile 2022
New Technologies and your Professional Persona
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Elżbieta Feret, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski (Poland)
4 novembre 2021
Human (Civic) Rights and Regulations of Financial Law in Poland - is it possible to use the new technologies?
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Georges Cavalier, Director of the Tax LLM, University of Lyon (FR)
11 gennaio 2021 - 1 settembre 2022
Artificial intelligence and blockchain: their links and underlying assumptions for taxation
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Pierre Saurel, Center Borelli, University of Paris & ENS Paris-Saclay (FR)
24 giugno 2021
A European framework structuring sectorial activities using AI
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Arndt Künnecke
22 maggio 2019
Module In German Law - Guest Lecturer Workshop
The EU Approach in Consumer Law
Programme (pdf)

Ph.D (c) Hans Steege, Leibniz University Hannover (Germania), Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Automated Systems
13-15 maggio 2019
Guest Lecturer Workshop - Module in German Law
Challenges for global companies under the European General Data Protection Regulation
Introduction into German Law: Principles of the German Civil Code
Introduction into German Law: Tenancy Law and Commercial Law
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Antonios Karaiskos
13-28 marzo 2019
Corso di "Introduction to Japanese Law"
21 marzo 2019
Regulation of online platforms in Japan and in the EU: discussions and developments
Programme (pdf)

Hans Steege, Researcher at Leibniz University Hannover (Germania), Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Automated Systems
28-29 maggio 2018
Guest Lecturer Workshop - Module in German Law
Introduction into legal aspects of autonomous driving
Aspects of the European General Data Protection Regulation
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Lesley Burton, Associate Professor and Director of the LL.M. in US Legal Studies, Golden Gate University, San Francisco (US)
9-11 maggio 2018
Modulo in US LAW
Introduction to US Law: Sources of Law
Legal Research and Citations
How to Draft a Contract
Programme (pdf)
Court system and legal research handout (pdf)
Contract drafting handout (pdf)
Waiver of liabiity (pdf)

Avv. Angelika Haucke D'Aiello, Studio legale Haucke d'Aiello e associati, Monaco di Baviera
10 e 12 aprile 2017
Il trasferimento della proprietà nel diritto tedesco. Disciplina e atti negoziali.
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Scott Atkins, Head of Law, University of Derby
8-9 maggio 2017
UK Module
English Law
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Lesley Burton, Associate Professor and Director of the LL.M. in US Legal Studies, Golden Gate University, San Francisco (US)
3 maggio 2017
Frequentare un LLM negli Stati Uniti. Le opportunità offerte da UniSOB e Golden Gate University
Programme (pdf)

Avv. Angelika Haucke D'Aiello
Studio legale Haucke d'Aiello e associati, Monaco di Baviera
a.a. 2015/2016
Il contratto nell'ordinamento tedesco

Prof. Carlos De Cores
Universidad Catolica de Uruguay
30 maggio 2016
Il contratto tra l'Europa e l'America Latina: esperienze a confronto.
Programme (pdf)

Prof. Carlos Ignacio Gomez Ligüerre
Professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona (Spain)
18 aprile 2016
Economic Analysis of Contract Law.
Programme (pdf)

Previous Visiting Scholars

Jacopo Martire
1-14 dicembre 2021
University of Bristol

Adrian Di Pizzo Chiacchio
15 settembre 2019 - 15 ottobre 2019
Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Dret

Maria Elena Varela Raggio
13-15 giugno 2019
Universidad Católica del Uruguay

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