Jean Monnet Chair EUGREENEXT
EUGREENEXT Summer School
"Green Markets and Sustainability in the Digital Age"
Chair Holder: Prof.ssa Ilaria Amelia Caggiano
Focus area: Environments, Green markets e Sustainability
Durata: from 11/09/2023 to 16/09/2023
Ore di formazione: 42
Lingua: Italian and English
a.y.: 2022-2023
The Summer School in "Green Markets and Sustainability in the Digital Age" was held between September 11th and 17th 2023, aimed at graduates and students in their final year.
The objective of the Summer School was to provide students with theoretical knowledge and the development of practical skills on the current challenges of sustainable growth and the protection of individual rights in terms of ecological transition, green markets and circular economy.
The Summer School courses were held by professors from Italian and foreign universities, who held theoretical lessons and case studies in the legal, economic and design fields, as well as representatives of public institutions and experts from companies in the green sector.
The Summer School addressed the themes of the sources of green markets
and their relationship with the protection of health, the circular economy,
intelligent vehicles, the sustainable fashion market and green labels.
The Summer School is part of the activities of the Jean Monnet Chair - EUGREENEXT European Green Rights for Next generations, three-year research project winner of the ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education Teaching and Research.
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