Convegno Internazionale di Studi
24-27 marzo 2013
Minori - Costa d'Amalfi (Sa) - Italia
March 24th, 2013
- 5:30pm PUBLIC EVENT - Film screening - Next stop Ras Adjadir by Luca
Manunza (Tunisia/Italy 2013 - 18 min) - (Largo solaio dei pastai, Minori (Sa) -
Amalfi Coast - Italy).
- 6:00pm PUBLIC EVENT Alessandro Dal Lago (Università di Genova/Italy) presents
his latest book Carnefici e spettatori. La nostra indifferenza verso la crudeltà
(Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2012). Discussants: Lucio D'Alessandro (Rector
Università di Napoli "Suor Orsola Benincasa"/Italy) - Francesco Durante (journalist
and writer) - (Largo solaio dei pastai, Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast - Italy).
- 7:30pm Welcome drink (Bar Pasticceria Gambardella - Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast
- Italy).
March 25th, 2013 - "New Global Wars"
from 9:00am Plenary Session (Palazzo del Municipio - PIAZZA G. CANTILENA -
Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast - Italy
- 9:00am Welcoming remarks and Local Authorities greetings
- 9:30am Elspeth Guild (Radboud University Nijmegen/Netherlands - Queen Mary
University of London/United Kingdom) - European Military Engagements abroad, the
Legitimate Use of Violence and European Human Rights Law.
- 10:00am Didier Bigo (King's College London/United Kingdom - Sciences-Po Paris/France)
- Global Preventive Security: is the language of war relevant for analysing the
contemporary practices of (in)security?
- 10:30am Fabienne Brion (Université catholique de Louvain/Belgium) - De la
guerre des races à la guerre au crime. Réflexions sur les rapports du racisme et
du criminalisme.
- 11:00am Coffe break
- 11:30 Alessandro Dal Lago (Università degli studi di Genova/Italy) - Mixed
Martial Arts. Body techniques in the new global wars era.
- 12:00am Mariella Pandolfi (Université de Montréal/Canada) - The Enemy "Live":
A Genealogy.
- 12:30am/1:00pm Panel discussion
The Session will be coordinated by Antonello Petrillo (Università di Napoli "Suor Orsola Benincasa"/Italy)
- 1:30pm Lunch break (Ristorante Il Giardiniello - Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast - Italy)
from 3:00pm Workshop Session (New Global Wars) (Palazzo del Municipio - PIAZZA G. CANTILENA - Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast - Italy)
LANGUAGES: English/French
Akbas Cansu
Illegal migration: as a popular way of resisting wars and conflicts.
Antinori Arije
Pop-Up Terrorism: the brand-new fear factor in Europe. Oslo (2011), Firenze
(2011), Toulouse (2012).
Brusilovska Olga
Armed intervention in Kosovo and transformation of the modern system of
international relations.
Ferraro Stefania
Clash of Civilizations and Rhetoric of Human Rights in Post-invation Iraq.
Giannone Diego
The measurement of social rights after neoliberalism: the case of United Nations.
Manunza Luca
Between wars and revolution. Humanitarian Agencies' role in Tunisian protests:
the refugee camp of Choucha.
Musarò Pierluigi
Ethical, Aesthetic, and Political Challenges of Humanitarian Discourse.
Nazzaro Ubaldo
Against global terrorism: risks for constitutionalism and human rights.
Önder Özhan
Transitional Layers of Uprise in Syria; Questions from an Activist Ethnographic
Survey in-Between a Revolution and Civil War.
Pizzo Ciro
Limits of the refugee status. The contradiction between internal and external
refugee and long duration effects.
The workshop will be coordinated by Michalis Lianos (Université de Rouen/France).
- 6:00pm PUBLIC EVENT - Film screening - "Festival del Cinema dei Diritti
Umani di Napoli" presents El gigante by Bruno Federico, Andrea Ciacci, Consuelo
Navarro (Colombia/Italy 2012 - 62 min).
- 9:00pm Social dinner (Ristorante "Torre Normanna" - Maiori - Amalfi Coast -
March 26th, 2013 - "Transformation of labor relationships, migration and global crisis"
from 9:30am Plenary Session (Palazzo del Municipio - PIAZZA G. CANTILENA -
Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast - Italy
- 10:00am Domenico Perrotta (Università degli Studi di Bergamo/Italy) - Between
segregations and liberalizations. Farmworkers and "caporali" in Southern Italy's
- 10:30am Salvatore Palidda (Università degli Studi di Genova/Italy)- The
effects of the neo-liberal governance in the research on security (Business,
Racial Criminalization, Ignored Victimisation, Ignored Insecurities).
- 11:00am Coffe break
- 11:30am Tugba Basaran (University of Kent/United Kingdom) - The Saved and the
Drowned: Legal Moralities of Rescue at Sea.
- 12:00am Andrea Rea (Université Libre de Bruxelles/Belgium) - Border control
and migration management at the airport.
- 12:30am/1:00pm Panel discussion
The Session will be coordinated by Didier Bigo (King's College London/United Kingdom - Sciences-Po Paris/France)
- 1:30pm Lunch break (Pizzeria Altamarea - Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast - Italy)
from 3:30pm Workshop Session (Transformation of labor relationships, migration and global crisis) (Palazzo del Municipio - PIAZZA G. CANTILENA - Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast - Italy
LANGUAGES: English/French/Spanish
Aschauer Wolfgang
The malaise of EU-citizens. Social disintegration as driving force of
Bazzicalupo Laura
Selective inclusion of governamentality dispositifs.
Boucher Gerard
More Erosion May Be Good: State Sovereignty, Not Migrants' Rights.
De Tommasi Livia
Population management in the wonderful city's favelas.
Della Cerra Giovanni
Invisible walls. Limits and borders of the Neapolitan suburba district space.
Della Corte Elisabetta
Subjectivity, work, crisis and new workerism.
Di Costanzo Gianpaolo
The knitting and the tissue. For a social topography of Neapolitan outskirt.
Galioto Eugenio
Immigration as a threat: migrants as dangerous subjects. Governance of migratory
flows, securitarian discourses and key words. Evolution and new perspectives.
Infantino Federica
The uses of the "suirveillance and control toolbox" in the Schengen visa policy
implementation. A comparative analysis of the cosular posts of Belgium, France
and Italy in Casablanca.
Nick Mai
Queering Sexual Humanitarianism: migration, sex work and (anti)trafficking.
Mascia Carla
Les politiques d'intégration européennes quelle gestion des «non-nationaux» par
Musarò Pierluigi
Ethical, Aesthetic, and Political Challenges of Humanitarian Discourse.
Senatore Alfredo
Broken lives: work and migrants' spaces in Piana del Sele (Sa-Italy).
Tarantino Ciro
Welfare misery. Neo-humanitarianism and late-liberalism in the case of criminal
Vergnano Cecilia
Discourses construction and racist practices in a Roma camp in Turin (Italy).
The workshop will be coordinated by Tugba Basaran (University of Kent/United Kingdom)
6:30pm PUBLIC EVENT - Film screening - Normal by Nick Mai (Albania/Italy/United
Kingdom 2012 - 65 min).
- 9:00pm Social Dinner (Ristorante Il Giardiniello - Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast
- Italy)
March 27th, 2013 - "Popular Resistances"
from 9:30am Plenary Session (Palazzo del Municipio - PIAZZA G. CANTILENA -
Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast - Italy
- 10:00am Ugo Mattei (Hastings College of the Law University of California/USA -
Università degli Studi di Torino/Italy) - Common goods and democracy frontiers.
- 10:30am Michalis Lianos (Université de Rouen/France) - Contemporary Capitalism
as 'Crisis': Greece, Fascism and the Impasse of the European Left.
- 11:00am Coffe break
- 11:30am Antonello Petrillo (Università degli Studi di Napoli "Suor Orsola
Benincasa"/Italy) - The noise and the silence: the contemporary debate about
human rights between war emphasis and resistance hiding.
- 12:00am Ana Jaramillo (Universidad Nacional de Lanús/Argentina) - El asalto a
la razon: colonialismo y derechos humanos. ¿quiénes son los barbaros?
- 12:30am/1:00pm Panel discussion
The Session will be coordinated by Mariella Pandolfi (Université de Montréal/Canada)
- 1:30pm Lunch break (Ristorante Il Giardiniello - Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast - Italy)
from 3:30pm Workshop Session (Popular Resistances) (Palazzo del Municipio - PIAZZA G. CANTILENA - Minori (Sa) - Amalfi Coast - Italy).
LANGUAGES: English/French
Cerulo Massimo
I move, ergo I resist. From Arab springs to Bergamini case: examples of
emotional public sphere.
De Biase Marco
Naples brûle. Ethnographie des émeutes anti-décharge dans la banlieue ouest
D'Ascenzio Anna
The trap of work. Practices of Integration and Resistence in the Isochimica
Marci Tito Andrea
For a constituent conception of citizenship and "hosting" right.
Marciano Claudio
Cries and demands of an emergent urban social movement in Rome.
Mazzola Alessandro
Music for rebellion. Music and musical practices as forms of resistance and
protest in Belgium and Italy.
Mazzone Stefania
Globalization of democratic communication on the web: virtual volontary
concetrationism and constituent nomadism. What resistance?
Stamenkovic Marko
Costly signals, self-immolation in central eastern Europe (1960s-1990s) selected
case studies.
Vignola Marta
Towards an anti-egemonic globalization of rights: forms of struggles and
resistence in Latin America.
The workshop will be coordinated by Andrea Rea (Université Libre de Bruxelles/Belgium)
- 6:00pm PUBLIC EVENT - Film Screening - Una montagna di balle by Nicola
Angrisano (Italia 2009 - 77 min) - Public discussion with the geologist Franco
Ortolani (Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"/Italy) and local
population protesting against dumps and incinerators.
- 8:30pm Social Dinner (Agriturismo Villa Maria - Minori (SA) - Amalfi Coast -
For further informations please contact the Scientific Committee (Marco De Biase: e-mail address; Gianpaolo Di Costanzo: e-mail address; Giovanni Della Cerra: e-mail address) or the Organization Committee (Giovanni Della Cerra: e-mail address; Alfonso Porpora: e-mail address; Stefania Ferraro: e-mail address).
Programma (pdf)
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