a.y. 2024/25
Programme Description
The course in Business Economics and Green Economy aims to train people able to operate within the corporate world thanks to a robust knowledge of the main management techniques and the ability to understand the constantly evolving economic context. The unifying element of the course is represented by the study of sustainability from the economic, financial, social and environmental perspectives.
With this aim in mind, the course provides training in the legal,
mathematical-statistical, economic and business knowledge bases useful for
performing administrative and commercial roles within companies and public and
private organizations. After a common core of subjects, students enrolled in the
course will have the opportunity to choose between:
- a path that deepens the legal, statistical and economic-business knowledge
typical of traditional courses in Business Economics;
- a path that includes some ecological-environmental subjects, in order to
strengthen the capacity for inter-disciplinary dialogue with those with
technical skills in the fields of energy sources and the environment. These are
sectors in which the opportunities linked to the green economy are particularly
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