Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
Modalità di navigazione

Going Abroad

ERASMUS+ Mobility
ERASMUS+ for studies
ERASMUS+ for traineeship
ERASMUS+ for teaching and training (STA e STT)
New Erasmus Inter-Institutional Agreement
Erasmus+ Projects
International Mobility
University Agreements
Free movers / visiting students

Free Movers - or "visiting students" - are students who are neither enrolled in a degree programme, nor participating in an exchange programme organised by the university (such as Erasmus), but who choose to organise their own study abroad.

In order to attend courses at another university and have credits officially recognised as part of your university transcript, you must obtain authorisation by the faculty at your home university and admission from the host university.

For further information on how to register for Single Courses, visit the website: https://www.unisob.na.it/universita/normeamministrative/esamesingolo.htm

For further information and opportunities consult the following pages:

Regolamento per la mobilità studenti Free Mover (pdf)

Jean Monnet

EUGREENEXT - European Green Rights: reshaping fundamental rights for next generations

Call 2021 (pdf)

Website: www.eugreenext.eu

PROTECH - European Protection Law of Individuals in Relation to New Technologies

Call 2020 (pdf)

Website: www.protech-jeanmonnet.eu


ROLTAX - Rule of Law and Tax Law

Website: www.roltax.eu

Centre of excellence
Menù della sezione
Menù rapido
Menù principale
Conformità agli standard

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