Department of

Single-cycle master's degree program in
Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

a.y. 2024/25

Degree Programme

Programme Description

The formative path is divided into two main sections: the first one, common to the three job-oriented curricula, is centered on the general theory; the second one includes specialized laboratory activities in each curriculum:
1. Frescoes-Stone curriculum.
PFP1. Stone materials and derivatives. Decorated architectural surfaces
2. Textiles-wood curriculum.
PFP2. Materials painted on wooden and textile supports. Artefacts carved in wood.
Furniture and wooden structures. Artefacts in processed, assembled and / or painted synthetic materials.
3. Metals-ceramics curriculum.
PFP4. Ceramic, vitreous and organic materials and artefacts. Materials and artefacts in metal or alloys.

Year I
SDS Teaching CFU
BIO/01 Biology 9
CHIM/03 General and Inorganic Chemistry 12
FIS/07 Physics Applied to Cultural Heritage 12
ING-IND/28 Workplace Safety 3
ICAR/18 History of the city and surrounding areas 9
Compulsory Workshops 18
PFP1 Restoration techniques: natural stone materials (marble and stone) 18
PFP2 Restoration techniques: panel paintings 9
PFP2 Restoration techniques: paintings on canvas 9
PFP4 Restoration techniques: precious metals and other alloys 18
Year I Total CFU 63
Year II
SDS Teaching CFU
M-STO/08 Archivistics, Bibliography and Library Sciences 6
CHIM/12 Chemistry of the Environment 9
ICAR/17 Design 9
L-FIL-LET/10 Italian Literature 9
ICAR/18 History of Architecture I (Ancient and Medieval) 6
Compulsory Wordkshops 18
PFP1 Restoration techniques: artificial stone materials (plaster, stucco, faux marble) 18
PFP2 Restoration techniques: polychrome wooden sculpture 18
PFP4 Restoration techniques: organic excavated materials (bone, ivory, wax) 18
Year II Total CFU 57
Year III
SDS Teaching CFU
CHIM/12 Chemistry of Cultural Heritage 9
GEO/09 Petrography for Cultural Heritage 6
ICAR/19 History of Restoration 6
L-ART/02 History of Modern Art I and II 12
L-ART/02 History of Artistic Techniques 6
Compulsory Workshops 18
PFP1 Restoration techniques: frescoes and murals 18
PFP2 Restoration techniques: paintings on textiles 18
PFP4 Restoration techniques: precious metals and other alloys 18
Year III Total CFU 57
Year IV
SDS Teaching CFU
L-ANT/07 Classical Archaeology 6
IUS/14 European Legislation of Cultural Heritage (Jean Monnet ROLTAX Module) 6
L-ART/04 Comparative Methodologies and History of Art Criticism 9
ING-IND/22 Science and Technology of Archaeological Materials 6
ICAR/18 History of Architecture II (Modern) 9
L-ANT/07 History and Restoration of Ancient Techniques 6
Compulsory Workshops 18
PFP1 Restoration techniques: frescoes and murals 18
PFP2 Restoration techniques: paintings on textiles 18
PFP4 Restoration techniques: ceramic artefacts 18
Year IV Total CFU 60
Year V
SDS Teaching CFU
SECS-P/07 Economics of Cultural Heritage 9
L-LIN/12 English for Cultural Heritage 6
Credits at students' choice 12
Compulsory Workshops 15
PFP1 Restoration techniques: mosaics and inlays 15
PFP2 Restoration techniques: artefacts in synthetic processed, assembled and / or painted materials 15
PFP4 Restoration techniques: glass artefacts 15
Thesis Synthesis Laboratory PFP1 3
Thesis Synthesis Laboratory PFP2
Thesis Synthesis Laboratory PFP4
Final examination (restoration of a work of art, qualifying for the profession - workshop for the Diploma thesis) 18
Year V Total CFU 63

Total Laboratory hours
Laboratory CFU: 90 + 18 for the Final Test
Theoretical Subjects CFU: 192

The Final Test is not included in the regular number of the exams.
As for the teachings "at students' choice" a list of teachings recommended by The University will be compiled. The students' choice has to be in line with the frame work curriculum, in order to deepen the research sources for the preparation of the final thesis. At this proposal, it would be necessary to reach 12 CFU.

The University didactic Regulations provide for the assignment of 18 CFU for the Thesis of the Diploma. The achievement of the 18 CFU is related to the practical activity the students will have to undertake on a piece of Cultural Heritage, for the preparation of the first test provided for by the Degree Exam.

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