
Università degli Studî Suor Orsola Benincasa

Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione




The Impact of Retention Intervals
on Children's and Adults' Prospective Remembering




Seminario internazionale di studi

Napoli, martedì 14 maggio 2013 ore 11,00
Sala degli Angeli, via Suor Orsola 10




Since the publication of the first book fully devoted to prospective memory (Brandimonte, Einstein, McDaniel, 1996), an increasing number of researchers have considered prospective remembering -i.e., memory for actions to be performed in the future- as one aspect of cognitive functioning that is central to developing our understanding of how intentions are translated into action and under which conditions they fail.

In fact, the past decade has seen a veritable explosion of research on prospective memory with the field enriched by studies relying on different approaches by behavioral and brain scientists employing a variety of methods to investigate normal and abnormal prospective memory phenomena in adults, children, and the elderly.

Prof. Maria A. Brandimonte and the research team of the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology of Suor Orsola Benincasa University are glad to announce the visit of Dr. Caitlin Mahy (University of Geneva), who will
present her most recent research results on children's and adults' prospective memory in a seminar -open to staff and students- that will take place on the 14th of May 2013, 11.00am, at Sala degli Angeli.

We look forward to meeting you all.



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