
Universitą degli Studī Suor Orsola Benincasa







Jean Monnet Chair PROTECH
"European Protection Law of Individuals in Relation to New Technologies"

Workshop Series on "Social Networks and Multimedia habitats" a.y. 2019/2020



Friday 16 October 2020




Morning Session 9.30-13.30
Online - Google Meet Platform

Institutional Greetings

Francesca Russo
Rector's Delegate on the Erasmus+ Programme - Suor Orsola Benincasa University

Antonio Tafuri
Lawyer - President of Naples Bar Association

Riccardo Sgobbo
Lawyer - President of Civil Chamber of Naples

Coordination of the Jean Monnet Chair Holder

Lucilla Gatt
ReCEPL Director and Full Professor of Private Law - Suor Orsola Benincasa University

Keynote Speech

Viviana De Paola
ICT senior consultant AgID - Professional trainer E.I.P. Italia

Panel discussion

Mirko Forti
Research Fellow - Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
Migrants and refugees in the cyberspace environment: Privacy concerns and digital identity in the European approach

Antonella Correnti
Research Fellow - Messina University
Online market, big data and privacy protection

Nicoleta Angela Cherciu
Research Fellow - Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
Teodor Chirvase
LL.M. - Tilburg University
Non-personal data processing. Why we should take it personally?

Aldo Iannotti della Valle
Ph.D. candidate - Suor Orsola Benincasa University
The adequacy of the law to the new technologies in the light of two recent decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union

Silvia Martinelli
Ph.D. candidate Torino University - Research Fellow Milano University
The vulnerable business user: The asymmetric relationship between the business user and the platform

Viola Cappelli
Ph.D. candidate - Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
The legal qualification of collaborative platforms offering composite services. What consequences for consumer protection?

Chiara Sartoris
Research Fellow - Firenze University
Minors' data protection between e-learning and social network platforms

Valeria Manzo
Ph.D. candidate - Luigi Vanivitelli University
Child protection on social networks in the era of Covid-19 confinement

Fabrizia Rosa
Ph.D. candidate - Parthenope University
The use of the IT tools and artificial intelligence in the health sector: the patient as a vulnerable subject

Livia Aulino
Ph.D. candidate - Suor Orsola Benincasa University
Human machine interaction and legal informations in the autonomous vehicles: the opportunity of the legal design

Anna Irene Cesarano
Ph.D. candidate - Suor Orsola Benincasa University
Autonomous driving: an exploratory investigation on public perception

Mario Triggiani
Teaching Assistant - Suor Orsola Benincasa University
The scientific innovations of fetal surgery and artificial womb could innovate also the concept of legal personhood

Discussant - Jean Monnet Module Leader

Ilaria Amelia Caggiano
Professor of Private Law - Suor Orsola Benincasa University


Afternoon Session 15.30-18.30
Online - Google Meet Platform

Institutional Greetings

Lucio d'Alessandro
Rector of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University

Tommaso Edoardo Frosini
Director of the Department of Legal Sciences - Suor Orsola Benincasa University

Coordination of the Jean Monnet Chair Holder

Lucilla Gatt
ReCEPL Director and Full Professor of Private Law - Suor Orsola Benincasa University

Keynote Speech

Pasquale Stanzione
President of the Italian Data Protection Authority
Data protection e vulnerabilitą della persona

Panel discussion

Laura Valle
Professor of Private Law - Bolzano University
Cookies e tutela dei dati personali, discipline a tutela del consumatore e protezione dei diritti della persona

Arndt Künnecke
Professor of Pubic Law and Politics - Federal University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration in Brühl (Germany)
Distance teaching in times of corona. From zero to hero? Experiences and best practices of a university lecturer trying to create a student-centred distance teaching approach

Roberta Montinaro
Professor of Private Law - L'Orientale University
Andrea D'Alessio
Ph.D. candidate - Teramo University
Online platforms: new vulnerabilities to be addressed in the European legal framework.

Antonina Astone
Professor of Private Law - Messina University
Capitalism of digital surveillance and digital disintermediation in the era of the pandemic

Marco Rizzuti
Researcher of Private Law - Firenze University
GDPR and the right to be forgotten

Maria Cristina Gaeta
Research Fellow - Suor Orsola Benincasa University
Smart toys and minors' protection in the context of the internet of everything

Paola Grimaldi
Ph.D. and Teaching Assistant - Suor Orsola Benincasa University
Robot, unaware profiling and the protection of vulnerable users

Discussant - Jean Monnet Module Leader

Ilaria Amelia Caggiano
Professor of Private Law - Suor Orsola Benincasa University




The event has been accredited by the Naples Bar Association with the release of no. 3 Professional Training Credits



Sponsored by



Contacts: info@protech-jeanmonnet.eu



Free registration by 9.30 am on October 15th at the following link: https://docs.google.com


Per partecipare all'evento registrarsi entro le ore 9.30 del 15 ottobre a questo collegamento.






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