Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples
European Union
PM4SD™ European Summer School
Summer School
Naples, 8-12 July 2013
Suor Orsola Benincasa University
Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 292
"Leadership and Management in Sustainable Tourism" is the first High Level European Summer School to address one of the most important themes in the tourism industry: how to improve sustainable tourism project success and monitor the benefits of funded initiatives.
The Summer School is for project management practitioners, funders, policy makers, academics and entrepreneurs. It has been set up to launch the new methodology and qualification PM4SD™ "Project Management for European Sustainable Development", with a board including representatives of UNEP, UNDP, NECSTouR, Euromed Heritage Programme, FEST, Jlag, Leeds Metropolitan University and Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, University of Sannio, Municipality of Frigento.
The "Leadership and management in Sustainable Tourism" Summer School lasts 5 days and it has been designed to take place each year in a different European country. The 1st edition will take place from the 8th to the 12th of July in Naples, and it will be hosted by the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.
The Summer School aims to be:
1. A knowledge hub to share practices on how to plan and manage tourism funding with sustainability
2. A knowledge hub to improve project management and effectiveness in the tourism sector
3. A training event leading to a qualification for trainers and senior practitioners in project management for sustainable tourism
4. A funding marketplace to develop joint funding proposals, developing concept notes and matching skill sets between professional project managers and organisations
5. A networking event to disseminate best practices and papers related to the theme "Project Management and Sustainable Tourism"
6. A leading event to promote PM4SD™ as best management practice
8-9 July 2013
PM4SD™ Practitioner training course
Silvia Barbone and Xavier Font
Venue Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples (Sala Proiezioni)
PM4SD™ <Project Management for Sustainable Development> is a new methodology and qualification for designing and managing tourism projects with success. It is based on the PRINCE2® methodology, a structured method for effective project management widely recognised and used in the public and private sector, and owned by the UK Cabinet Office. PM4SD™ has a re-use licence also by the UK Cabinet Office and its qualification and accreditation body is APMG.
This course aims to create a pool of qualified trainers and practitioners in the PM4SD™ methodology across Europe, who can deliver training once attached to an accredited training organisation approved by APMG.
The course is open to 25 international candidates holding the PM4SD™ Foundation qualification, selected through an open procedure.
10 July 2013
Public conference [free, except conference dinner]
The purpose of this day is to learn from keynote presentations on the importance of project management to access, manage and monitor funds, and case studies dedicates to Best Management Case Studies in the Tourism Sector. The output will be the Naples declaration on "the effective management of donor funded tourism projects".
Venue Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples (Aula Magna)
Xavier Font
Leeds Metropolitan University
Official opening
Lucio d'Alessandro
Chancellor of University Suor Orsola Benincasa
Filippo Bencardino
Chancellor of University of Sannio
Paola Villani
University Suor Orsola Benincasa
MariaRosaria Napolitano
University of Sannio
Luigi Famiglietti
Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies
Introduction and presentation of Project Management for Sustainable Development" (PM4SD™)
Silvia Barbone
Foundation for European Sustainable tourism
Paolo Bongini
NECSTour President
Sustainable tourism project management in leading European tourist
Harold Goodwin
Leeds Metropolitan University
Why do sustainable tourism projects fail or succeed?
Alan Harpham
PM4SD™ a new certification for the tourism sector.
Massimiliano Riva
United Nations Development Programme
How is the UNDP introducing project management methodologies to reduce risk of failure?
Coffee break
Deirdre Shurland
United Nations Environment Programme
How is the Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism assuring sustainability in tourism projects?
Christian Dabdoub Nasser
Euromed Heritage Programme
Lessons learned from the management of large scale funded programmes.
Cinzia De Marzo
European Commission
European tourism system of indicators for sustainable management.
John Hummel
Senior Adviser Community Based Tourism International Research for Development Center (CBT-IRDC), Chiang Mai, Thailand
Lessons learned from the SNV tourism programme.
Ugo Morelli
University of Bergamo
The Aura of Power, Leadership, Authority and Participation.
Brian Field
Urban Planning and Development Adviser, European Investment Bank
Opportunities from the European Investment Bank for the tourism sector.
Development of the "Naples Declaration" on the effective management of donor funded tourism projects.
PM4SD™ Delegates ceremony. Delegates will receive PM4SD certificates by Alan Harpham, APMG
Coffee and Networking time Matchmaking teams for funded projects. Identification of funding lines and project concepts.
(All participants are welcomed to bring display information on their projects or organisations to facilitate speed dating to develop funding proposals)
Conference dinner [at own expense, approx. EUR 30 per person]
more info (pdf)
11 July 2013
Conference continuation
The purpose of this day is to analyse in more detail actual practices of project management in different geographical and organisational locations.
Venue Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples (Sala Proiezioni)
Practical workshops
Theme 1: Defining success in project management
Xavier Font
Leeds Metropolitan University
Frederic Thomas
University of Paris 1 - Pantheon Sorbonne, France
Why do sustainable tourism projects fail or succeed?
Dr Xavier Font
Leeds Metropolitan University
Critical success factors for donor funded project success: results from a
Delphi study to inform the Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism
Dominique Verdugo
Independent consultant, France
UNCTAD TrainForTrade Sustainable Tourism for Development project in Angola
Stefano Consiglio
University of Naples, Federico II
"Angels for Travellers". Effective community based tourism best practice
Paulo Castro
Treasurer and council members of EUROPARC
EUROPARC's experience in sustainable tourism project management
Theme 2: Leadership models and management skills
Cristina Nunez
Dr Andrew Jones & Dr Sivlio De Bono
University of Malta, Malta
Conceptualising and aligning leadership style to successful performance in
sustainable tourism
Carolin Stamm
BEST-Sabel-Hochschule Berlin, Germany
The role of NGOs in the successful implementation of sustainable tourism
Dr Tridib R. Sarma
Tezpur University, India
Application of Concepts in Project Management - A Case for Unsoiled and
Hygienic Tourist Destinations in the Hills of NorthEast India.
Apolonia Rodriguez
Genuineland - Village Tourism, Portugal
Destination Management - an integrated view through Dark Sky Alqueva, a
Starlight Tourism Destination
Valeria Fantozzi
TourEurope, Exchange Programme for Tourism Entrepreneurs
Plenary - concluding remarks and Next Steps of Summer School
(All participants are welcomed to bring display information on their projects or organisations to facilitate speed dating to develop funding proposals)
more info (pdf)
12 July 2013
Study Visit Ercolano [at own expense, approx. EUR20 per person]
The purpose of the visit is to test concepts and techniques learned during the conference to a particular case study, by meeting a series of stakeholders and learning about current project management practices in the management of tourism, heritage and natural resources. The bus will collect participants at 9am at their accommodation, and take participants to Naples airport by 15:00 and also back to their accommodation in Naples for those staying longer.
Naples Summer School Organising Committee
Paola Villani
Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples
Mariarosaria Napolitano
University of Sannio
Silvia Barbone
Foundation for European Sustainable Tourism
Xavier Font
Leeds Metropolitan University
Luigi Famiglietti
Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies
Summer School Board
Deirdre Shurland
United Nations Environment Programme and Global Partnership
for Sustainable Tourism
Massimiliano Riva
United Nations Development Programme
Paolo Bongini
NECSTouR President
Christiane Dabdoub Nasser
Euromed Heritage Parliament
Silvia Barbone
Foundation for European Sustainable Tourism
Harold Goodwin and Xavier Font
Leeds Metropolitan University
With the support of the Life Long Learning Programme
of the European Union
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