Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
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Università degli Studî Suor Orsola Benincasa

Dipartimento di Scienze umanistiche







Women in Focus




Napoli, 8 March 2024
Aula Leopardi, via Santa Caterina da Siena 37




Università Suor Orsola Benincasa celebrates International Women's Day with the recent allocation of U.S. Department of State funds to support a Fulbright Scholar Award for Prof. Marie Lathers to teach 'Women and Outer Space in Popular Films' at the Department of Humanities. Prof. Marie Lathers is the author of Space Oddities: Women and Outer Space in Popular Film and Culture, 1960-2000 (Bloomsbury) and professor at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, the largest and most respected institution specializing in aviation and aerospace. The event will be enriched by the presence of the Consul General of the United States in Naples, Tracy Roberts-Pounds, who will be warmly welcomed by the Rector and the Head of Department.





Institutional greetings by the Rector, Prof. Lucio d'Alessandro and Head of Department, Prof. Paola Villani

Introduction of the U.S. Consul General Tracy Roberts-Pounds by Prof. Emilia Di Martino

Remarks by the U.S. Consul General Tracy Roberts-Pounds


Highlights from the Fulbright-funded "Women in Outer Space in Popular Films" course, Prof. Marie Lathers


Student presentations; Q.&A. session with the students


Exhibition of student work focusing on women
Profs Ilaria Improta, Francesca Nicolais, Tehezeeb Moitra


Light refreshments



Coordinamento evento

Prof. Margherita Musello




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