Università degli Studî Suor Orsola Benincasa
Cambridge University Press
University of Cambridge - ESOL Examinations
Giornata di studi | International Conference
Napoli, 27 novembre 2009
Aula Magna, corso Vittorio Emanuele 292
L'evento è rivolto a docenti, insegnanti, esperti linguistici nelle scuole e nelle università, nonché a studenti di corsi di laurea linguistico-letterari. Nel corso di due interventi e due workshop affidati a relatori di eccezione si presenteranno e dibatteranno nuovi spunti e nuove risorse in ambito ELT.
Con questa Giornata l'Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, in collaborazione con Cambridge ESOL e Cambridge University Press, intende rafforzare il canale di comunicazione e di confronto fra scuola e università e inaugurare una serie di iniziative nell'ambito della didattica dell'inglese come lingua straniera.
The importance of corpus-based materials
We increasingly hear about 'corpus-based' materials. What does this really mean? Why are they better? This talk will illustrate what we can find out from a corpus about grammar and vocabulary. It will show how this can improve materials for our learners. Examples will also be given of what a corpus can tell us about how we use vocabulary and grammar differently in different contexts (e.g. in business, education, media, law, tourism etc.) and how corpora are essential in materials design in this area.
Making sense of words: the English Profile wordlist project
English Profile is a collaborative project involving both Cambridge
ESOL and Cambridge University Press in the development of language descriptors
for the CEFR.
Part of this project has sponsored research into A1-B2
vocabulary: the English Profile Wordlists provide reliable information at word
and sense level, based on extensive corpus
analysis and other relevant
The speaker will explain the research and compiling methods used and
consider areas such as affixation, phrases and collocation, and polysemous words.
What does it actually mean to 'know a word'? Vocabulary acquisition is a
cumulative process and reliable information on frequency and usefulness helps to
establish priorities for teachers and students.
Using a corpus to design grammar materials
This talk will give practical insights into how a corpus
is actually used to design grammar materials. It will explore some of the
dilemmas that face us as corpus-based materials writers. We will consider the
different grammar patterns that we find in spoken versus written grammar. We
will look at examples of typical
learner grammar patterns. The link between
vocabulary and grammar will also be examined using examples from the corpus.
Words that really matter: improving written performance by effective use of vocabulary
In this practical session, the speaker will focus on some key
words and phrases at B1 and B2 levels, drawn from her English Profile Wordlists
Using Italian candidate data from the Cambridge Learner Corpus, she
will illustrate how effective use of vocabulary can produce better written work
and improve exam performance.
ore 8,30
Accoglienza dei partecipanti
ore 9,00
Indirizzo di saluto
Francesco De Sanctis
Emma Giammattei
ore 9,15
Apertura dei lavori
Bruna Di Sabato
ore 9,30
Anne O'Keeffe
The importance of corpus-based materials (plenary)
ore 10,15
Making sense of words: the English Profile wordlist project (plenary)
ore 11,00
Coffee break
ore 11,30
Anne O'Keeffe
Using a corpus to
design grammar materials (workshop)
ore 12,15
Annette Capel
Words that
really matter: improving written Performance by effective use of vocabulary
ore 13,00
Rilascio attestati
La partecipazione all'evento
dà diritto all'esonero dal servizio.
Cambridge University Press (prot. 12652
con Decreto del 28.07.2008) e Cambridge ESOL Examinations (prot.1372 con Decreto
del 21.07.2005) sono soggetti accreditati per la formazione del personale della
scuola, secondo la Direttiva Ministeriale 90/2003.
Comitato scientifico
Bruna Di Sabato
Emilia Di Martino
Comitato organizzativo
Bruna Di
Emilia Di Martino
Giacomo Palladino
Liam Vint
Con il patrocinio di
Cambridge University Press
University of Cambridge - ESOL Examinations
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