Dopo Laurea


Dottorati di ricerca

Dottorato di ricerca internazionale in Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience (XXXII Ciclo) - candidates admitted to the interview

Università degli Studî Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli

International Ph.D. in
Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
XXXII cycle

Candidates admitted to the Interview
Candidates Evaluation of the qualifications
Stamate Andreea 56
Kourtesis Panagiotis 48
Frick Aurelién 47
Interview Aula
OCTOBER 14th 2016 AULA N - 5th floor - CORSO VITTORIO EMANUELE, 292

Candidates must arrive to the exam room half an hour before the beginning of the interview, with a valid identity document.

Candidates who will take the exam by Skype must be on line half an hour before the beginning of the interview, with a valid identity document.

The present announcement and calendar have official value. No personal communication will be sent to the candidates. Absence of the candidate in the date and hour of the exam will be taken as withdrawal from the exam.

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