Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
Dipartimento di Scienze formative, psicologiche e della comunicazione
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Education Sciences Degree Course

a.y. 2017/18

Degree Programme

Human Sciences Curriculum

Year I
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-PED/03 General Didactics 9
L-FIL-LET/10 Italian Literature 6
M-PED/01 General Pedagogy 12
M-PSI/01 Cognitive Process Psychology 9
SPS/07 General Sociology 9
M-PED/02 History of the models and of the educational institutions 9
M-FIL/06 History of philosophy 9
M-FIL/06 Introduction to the philosophical thought 3
Year I Total CFU 66
Year II
SDS Formative activities CFU
L-LIN/10 English Level I 6
L-ANT/02 Ancient History Fundamentals 12
M-PED/03 Social Models of Disability 6
M-PED/03 Pedagogy of Marginality and Deviance 6
M-PED/01 Family Pedagogy 6
M-PED/03 Formative and Educational Planning 9
SPS/12 Sociology of Law and Social Change 6
Laboratories 6
Year II Total CFU 57
Year III
SDS Formative activities CFU
SPS/01 Philosophy and Human Sciences 6
M-FIL/03 Moral Philosophy 6
L-LIN/12 English Level II 6
M-PSI/01 Psychology of Learning and Memory 6
M-STO/02 Modern and Contemporary History 12
Credits at students' choice 12
Internship 6
Final Test 3
Year III Total CFU 57

N.B.: activities in italic do not provide for an evaluation scale out of 30.

Early Childhood Curriculum

Year I
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-DEA/01 Cultural Anthropology 6
M-PED/01 General Pedagogy 9
M-PED/01 Pedagogy of Communication 9
M-PSI/01 Cognitive Processes Psychology 9
SPS/07 General Sociology 9
M-PED/02 History of the models and of the educational institutions 9
M-FIL/06 History of Philosophy 9
M-PED/01 Introduction to the Pedagogical Thought 3
Year I Total CFU 63
Year II
SDS Formative activities CFU
L-LIN/10 English Level I 6
MED/42 Fundamentals of hygiene 6
L-FIL-LET/11 Children's literature 6
M-PED/03 Pedagogy of Marginality and Deviance 6
M-PED/01 Family Pedagogy 6
M-PED/01 Social Pedagogy 6
M-PED/03 Formative and Educational Planning 9
M-PSI/04 Developmental Psychology 9
M-PED/03 Inclusive Pedagogy 6
Laboratories 6
Year II Total CFU 66
Year III
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-PED/01 The educational relation in early childhood 6
IUS/10 Legislation of the Educational Institutions 6
MED/39 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 6
L-LIN/12 English Level II 6
M-EDF/02 Learning through play: creative techniques for educational entertainment 6
Credits at students' choice 12
Internship 6
Final Test 3
Year III Total CFU 51

N.B.: activities in italic do not provide for an evaluation scale out of 30.

Socio-educational Curriculum

Year I
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-PED/01 General Pedagogy 9
SPS/07 Principles and Fundamentals of the Social Service 9
SPS/12 Social Policies 6
M-PSI/01 Cognitive Processes Psychology 9
SPS/07 General Sociology 9
M-PED/02 History of the models and of the educational institutions 9
M-FIL/06 History of Philosophy 9
IUS/20 Introduction to the Legal Thought 3
Year I Total CFU 63
Year II
SDS Formative activities CFU
L-LIN/10 English Level I 6
SPS/10 Education and Social Media 6
M-PED/03 Social Models of Disability 6
SPS/07 Social Service Organisation 9
M-PED/03 Pedagogy of Marginality and Deviance 6
M-PED/01 Family Pedagogy 6
M-PED/01 Social Pedagogy 6
M-PED/03 Formative and Educational Planning 9
SPS/12 Sociology of Law and Social Change 6
Laboratories 6
Year II Total CFU 66
Year III
SDS Formative activities CFU
SPS/12 Criminology 9
IUS/07 Juvenile Law 6
M-EDF/02 Theatre as an Educational Tool 6
L-LIN/12 English Level II 6
Credits at students' choice 12
Internship 6
Laboratories 3
Final Test 3
Year III Total CFU 51

N.B.: activities in italic do not provide for an evaluation scale out of 30.

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Conformità agli standard

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