Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
Dipartimento di Scienze formative, psicologiche e della comunicazione
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Bachelor's degree program in Technological and Scientific Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology

a.y. 2024/25

Degree Programme

Cognitive Ergonomics Curriculum
Year I
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-PSI/02 Neural Basis of Cognition 10
M-FIL/06 Philosophy of Psychology 6
L-LIN/12 English I 12
M-PSI/03 Methodology of Psichological Research 8
M-PSI/01 Psychology of Cognitive Processes 9
M-PSI/04 Psychology of Cognitive Development 9
M-DEA/01 Cultural Anthropology 6
Year I Total CFU 60
Year II
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-PSI/01 Human-Machine Interaction with Elements of Multimedia Communication 6
M-PSI/02 Clinical Neuropsychology 6
M-PSI/01 Psychology of Perception and Attention 6
M-PSI/05 Social Psychology 6
M-PSI/03 Psychometrics 6
M-PSI/01 Preparing for Final Dissertation 3
M-PSI/03 Advanced Statistics 3
1 Exam to be selected from among:
M-PED/03 Methodology and Techniques of Teamwork 6
SPS/12 Sociology of Job and Social Change 6
1 Laboratory to be selected from among:
M-PSI/01 Interface and Cognition 3
ICAR/13 Ludolab 3
Credits to be selected by the students and recommended by the University 12
Introduction to the psychological lexicon 2
Year II Total CFU 59
Year III
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-PSI/06 Cognitive Ergonomics 9
L-LIN/12 Scientific English 6
M-PSI/01 Artificial Intelligence and Elements of Programming 9
M-PSI/08 Clinical Psychology 6
M-PSI/01 Psychology of Learning and Memory 9
M-PSI/04 Cognitive Processes of Creative Thinking at different ages 6
Practical Evaluative Internship 10
Final Exam 6
Year III Total CFU 61

Note: the assessment of the activities in italics are not expressed as marks on a point scale of 30, but as pass/fail, or by scaled evaluative remarks ('excellent', 'extremely good', 'distinctive/very good', 'good', 'fair', 'sufficient').

Human Resources Psychology Curriculum
Year I
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-PSI/02 Neural Basis of Cognition 10
M-FIL/06 Philosophy of Psychology 6
L-LIN/12 English I 12
M-PSI/03 Methodology of Psichological Research 8
M-PSI/01 Psychology of Cognitive Processes 9
M-PSI/04 Psychology of Cognitive Development 9
M-DEA/01 Cultural Anthropology 6
Year I Total CFU 60
Year II
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-PSI/02 Clinical Neuropsychology 6
M-PSI/06 Psychology of Work and Organizations 9
M-PSI/01 Psychology of Personality 6
M-PSI/05 Social Psychology 6
M-PSI/03 Psychometrics 6
SPS/09 Training and Soft Skills 3
M-PSI/01 Introduction to Psychometric evaluation techniques 3
M-PSI/01 Preparing for Final Dissertation 3
M-PSI/03 Advanced Statistics 3
1 Exam to be selected from among:
M-PED/03 Methodology and Techniques of Teamwork 6
SPS/12 Sociology of Work and Social Change 6
Credits to be selected by the students and recommended by the University 12
Introduction to the psychological lexicon 2
Year II Total CFU 65
Year III
SDS Formative activities CFU
L-LIN/12 Scientific English 6
M-PSI/08 Clinical Psychology 6
M-PSI/06 Psychology of Economic Behaviour 6
M-PSI/01 Psychology of Language and Communication 9
M-PSI/04 Cognitive Processes of Creative Thinking at different ages 6
M-PSI/01 Theories and Tools for Management and of Staff Development 6
Practical Evaluative Internship 10
Final Exam 6
Year III Total CFU 55

Note: the assessment of the activities in italics are not expressed as marks on a point scale of 30, but as pass/fail, or by scaled evaluative remarks ('excellent', 'extremely good', 'distinctive/very good', 'good', 'fair', 'sufficient').

Wellbeing Psychology Curriculum
Year I
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-PSI/02 Neural Basis of Cognition 10
M-FIL/06 Philosophy of Psychology 6
L-LIN/12 English I 12
M-PSI/03 Methodology of Psichological Research 8
M-PSI/01 Psychology of Cognitive Processes 9
M-PSI/04 Psychology of Cognitive Development 9
M-DEA/01 Cultural Anthropology 6
Year I Total CFU 60
Year II
SDS Formative activities CFU
M-PSI/02 Clinical Neuropsychology 6
M-PSI/01 Principles of psychology of wellbeing 9
M-PSI/05 Individual, social, and cultural perspectives in health psychology 6
M-PSI/05 Social Psychology 6
M-PSI/03 Psychometrics 6
SPS/09 Virtual reality and the metaverse for wellbeing 3
M-PSI/01 Storytelling and personal development 3
M-PSI/01 Preparing for Final Dissertation 3
M-PSI/03 Advanced Statistics 3
1 Exam to be selected from among:
M-PED/03 Methodology and Techniques of Teamwork 6
SPS/12 Sociology of Work and Social Change 6
Credits to be selected by the students and recommended by the University 12
Introduction to the psychological lexicon 2
Year II Total CFU 65
Year III
SDS Formative activities CFU
L-LIN/12 Scientific English 6
M-PSI/08 Clinical Psychology 6
M-PSI/06 Neuroscience and wellbeing across the lifespan 6
M-PSI/01 Psychology of Language and Communication 9
M-PSI/04 Cognitive Processes of Creative Thinking at different ages 6
M-PSI/01 Digital wellbeing 6
Practical Evaluative Internship 10
Final Exam 6
Year III Total CFU 55

Note: the assessment of the activities in italics are not expressed as marks on a point scale of 30, but as pass/fail, or by scaled evaluative remarks ('excellent', 'extremely good', 'distinctive/very good', 'good', 'fair', 'sufficient').

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