Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
Dipartimento di Scienze formative, psicologiche e della comunicazione
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Bachelor's degree program in Technological and Scientific Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology

a.y. 2024/25

Programme Description

The undergraduate degree course in Technological and Scientific Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology is the only one of its kind in the Campania region and in the south of Italy. It brings together psychological and ergonomic competences with the dual aim of providing those students who wish to pursue their studies with a solid theoretical and methodological grounding, and creating a professional figure endowed with technical and operational skills able to work in the field of psychology and cognitive ergonomics.

The successful integration of theoretical and practical aspects is one of the characterizing features of the course. Graduates will be able to apply the theoretical tenets of cognitive psychology to the field of practice and to the world of work. They will be able to solve problems of a practical nature which include psychological variables and come up with solutions which take the theoretical elements of psychology and cognitive ergonomics into account.

The degree course offers two curricula both of which focus on specific outcomes:
- the creation of professional figures with adequate psychometric, methodological and data-analytical skills to be able to operate in a scientifically valid manner in the field of personnel selection and human resource management. Such figures will also be able to apply their expertise to the cognitive and motivational processes which come to the fore when making economic decisions and conducting negotiations.
- the creation of professional figures able to investigate the interaction between man and technology with the purpose of improving user satisfaction and the overall performance of the system. This learning path aims to create professional figures who are experts in the study of the man-machine interface but who also possess a grounded knowledge of those complex decisional processes which influence the workings of the human mind when faced with new technologies.

Graduates in the Technological and Scientific Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology will be able to:
a) carry out working activities of a technical-operational nature in the field of psychology - once they have concluded their professional apprenticeship and passed the state exam which enables candidates to enrol in the register of professional psychologists (type B);
b) enrol for the second cycle degree in Psychology which will subsequently allow them to become professional psychologists (type A).

Degree Programme

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