a.y. 2024/25
Programme Description
The degree course provides advanced theoretical, methodological and practical preparation in the various fields of educational theory, adult education and continuing education through innovative teaching modules and specifically targeted workshop and internship activities.
The curricular structure of the course takes into account the range of activities that an education specialist deals with in the course of their professional practice: the planning and management of pedagogical actions aimed at individuals, small groups and/or organizations; the planning, programming, organization, coordination, management, monitoring and evaluation of educational services and activities; consultancy, supervision and auditing of the pedagogical quality of public and private education and training services and systems.
The dual class degree course includes a first year consisting of a wide area of credits in the fields that represent the essential common-core theoretical and methodological foundations for both classes of degree and a second year of specialist study and practical activities.
Students are required to choose at the time of enrollment the Class within which they intend to obtain their degree, with the possibility of changing their choice in the second year, by deciding whether a) to aim at developing knowledge and skills in the field of consultancy and pedagogical coordination in educational services for children and social assistance services as well as in training services for adults and human resources (obtaining a degree in Sciences of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, while at the same time acquiring the necessary credits for participation in competitions for the teaching of Philosophy and Human Sciences) or whether b) to aim to develop knowledge and skills in the field of pedagogical counseling in school contexts (obtaining a degree in Pedagogical Sciences and simultaneously acquiring the credits necessary for participation in competitions for the teaching of History, Philosophy and Human Sciences).
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