Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
Dipartimento di Scienze formative, psicologiche e della comunicazione
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Master's degree program in
Planning, Administration and Management of Social Policies and Services

a.y. 2023/24

Degree Programme

Curriculum "Scenarios and Territorial Profiles"
Year I
SDS Formative activities CFU
IUS/10 Public Services Law 6
IUS/01 Family Law and Child Law 6
SPS/07 Social Services Management 9
SPS/11 Models and Cartography of Social Networks 6
SPS/07 Planning of Social Policies and Services 9
M-PSI/05 Psychology of Emotions in the Work Context 9
SPS/07 Social Services Evaluation 6
SPS/07 End-of-life personal support services 2
Vocational Internship 6
Year I Total CFU 59
Year II
SDS Formative activities CFU
SECS-P/01 Economics for Social Services 6
M-FIL/03 Social Ethics (Advanced Course) 6
SECS-P/02 Economic Policy and Local Development 6
SPS/12 Sociology of Administration 6
SPS/04 Community Needs and Public Spending 4
L-LIN/12 English for Social and Cooperation Purposes 4
Vocational Internship 5
Credits at students' choice 12
Final Exam 12
Year II Total CFU 61

Note: the assessment of the activities in italics are not expressed as marks on a point scale of 30, but as pass/fail, or by scaled evaluative remarks ('excellent', 'extremely good', 'distinctive/very good', 'good', 'fair', 'sufficient').

Curriculum "Scenarios and International Networks"
Year I
SDS Formative activities CFU
IUS/10 Public Services Law 6
SPS/07 Social Services Management 9
SPS/11 Models and Cartography of Social Networks 6
SPS/07 Planning of Social Policies and Services 9
M-PSI/05 Psychology of Emotions in the Work Context 9
IUS/09 Theories of Human Rights 6
SPS/07 Social Services Evaluation 6
L-LIN/12 Eu Project Writing and Management 3
Vocational Internship 6
Year I Total CFU 60
Year II
SDS Formative activities CFU
SECS-P/01 Development Economy 6
M-FIL/03 Social Ethics (Advanced Course) 6
SPS/12 Socio-legal changes and cooperation 6
SPS/02 History of Political Institutions 6
L-LIN/12 English for Social and Cooperation Purposes 4
SPS/04 Geopolitics of Migrations 3
Vocational Internship 5
Credits at students' choice 12
Final Exam 12
Year II Total CFU 60

Note: the assessment of the activities in italics are not expressed as marks on a point scale of 30, but as pass/fail, or by scaled evaluative remarks ('excellent', 'extremely good', 'distinctive/very good', 'good', 'fair', 'sufficient').

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