Department of
Law and Economics

Institutional collaborations

Academy of European Private Lawyers - Section of Naples


The Neapolitan Section of the Academy of European Private Lawyers was established by resolution of the Faculty Council of 1 December 2008, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa (SOB). The Academy, founded by public deed at the University of Pavia on Nov. 9, 1992 with the participation of numerous and distinguished lawyers from the most prestigious European universities, is now chaired by Prof. Peter Stein, emeritus of the University of Cambridge, and prof. Giuseppe Gandolfi, emeritus at the University of Pavia.


Coordinator of the Section of Naples
Professor Lucilla Gatt (Professor of Institutions of Private Law, former Chancellor of the Academy).

Scientific Committee
It consists of all members of the Council of the Law Faculty.

Research team
Ilaria Amelia Caggiano (Researcher and Advocate); Dr. Olga Trombley (PhD and Lawyer); Dr. Claudia Munno (PhD and Lawyer); Dott. Paolo de Biase (PhD and Notary); Dr. Stefania Iannicelli (PhD and Lawyer); Dr. Alessandra Sardu (PhD student and lawyer); Dr. Daniela Iossa (PhD student); Dr. Doriana De Crescenzo (PhD student and lawyer); Dr. Anita Carughi (PhD student and lawyer); Dr. Anna Anita Mollo (PhD student and lawyer); Dr. Laura Vicinanza (PhD student and lawyer); Dr. Iolanda Pagliuca (PhD student and lawyer); Dr. David Borelli Casiere (PhD student); Dr. Anna Frizzante (lawyer); Dr. Maria Cristina Gaeta (tutor faculty Law).


The research group identified above as collaborating with the Law Faculty of other Universities of Naples (Federico II and Second University of Naples), but also with the Faculty of Political Science, University of Milan and the Faculty of Law at the European University Rome as well as with the Center CoForLaw - Comparative and Foreign LAW, based in Milan. The collaboration consists of implementing research projects co-financed at national or European level concerning the standardization of contract law in Europe (tools and methods), articulated in the preparation of legislative and uniform law, the promotion and publication of studies on the issues indicated. The research group maintains, also, relationships with researchers and groups of researchers working at foreign universities or other research Italians and foreigners. It is currently being developed a broad memorandum of understanding between all agencies involved in the project.

The objectives

Section of Naples pursues the implementation of such works and the statutory objectives of the Academy, making it a center of research, study and production of scientific papers on the subject of unification, interpretation and application of uniform private law in Europe, fueling the spirit of the founding treaties European Union and the dissemination of a European legal culture. Section Neapolitan care also the constant updating of the on line Observatory on the process of unification of private law in Europe (please refer to this page). Section Neapolitan arises, finally, as a center of national and international consultants on contracts, property, enterprise and competition, civil liability, persons, family and successions.

For more information and for the texts of the European Contracts Code:

Section of Naples/European Contract Law Observatory

Congresso Nazionale di Futurologia 2015
Napoli, 26-27 novembre 2015
Le sfide del domani
The challenges of tomorrow
pagina web del Convegno - programma

Open Workshop
Naples, 7 December 2012
I Progetti di unificazione del diritto dei contratti in Europa e America Latina
Projects for harmonizing Contract Law in Europe and Latin America

Speakers' Reports

XXIII International Meeting/Italian and German Law intensive Course
Naples, 15-16 October 2010
La discrezionalità del giudice. Le esperienze in Italia e Germania.
Spunti per una comparazione funzionale all'esercizio delle professioni giuridiche

Speakers' Reports

Laurea magistrale in Economia, Management e Sostenibilità

Elezioni del rappresentante degli studenti nel Consiglio di Dipartimento, nel Consiglio del Corso di Studi e in Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti


Napoli, 14 marzo 2025
La protezione degli interessi finanziari dell'Unione europea: il ruolo della Procura europea

Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche ed economiche

Attività didattiche del II semestre (a.a. 2024/25): si inizia!

Flash Jus

Corso di Laurea in Economia aziendale e Green Economy
Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza

Bando di ammissione ai Corsi di Studio in Economia aziendale e Green Economy, Giurisprudenza, Scienze della comunicazione, Scienze e tecniche di psicologia cognitiva (a.a. 2025/26)

Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza

Punto bonus per la frequenza al ciclo di lezioni magistrali Il giudice imparziale - elenco degli ammessi


Napoli, 26 marzo - 6 maggio 2025
Il giudice imparziale
Lezioni Magistrali a.a. 2024/25

Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche ed economiche

Open Week 2025 - Giornate di Orientamento di Ateneo (XIX edizione) - 24/28 febbraio 2025

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