Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche ed economiche
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Versione stampabile

Resource Economics
Corso di Laurea in Economia, Management e Sostenibilità (Laurea magistrale)
CFU: 9
Docente: Marcello D'Amato
Anno Accademico 2023/2024


Versione italiana

A preliminary knowledge of the basic concepts, techniques and skills in quantitative methods (calculus and statistics) is essential. A thorough understanding of microeconomic models and analysis at intermediate level is useful for the study of the course material.

Questo corso è progettato per esplorare e analizzare a livello intermedio l'uso e la gestione delle risorse naturali nelle economie di mercato. Il mondo naturale in cui viviamo contiene risorse naturali che a) consentono la nostra esistenza sul pianeta eb) forniscono qualità della vita di cui godiamo. Queste risorse vanno da quelle sopra il suolo - aria, acqua, alberi, pesci, ecc. A quelle sottoterra - carbone, gas naturale, petrolio, acqua, ecc. In che misura l'uso di queste risorse da parte di agenti e istituzioni economici ( imprese e consumatori) che interagiscono attraverso i mercati possono essere considerati efficienti? Qual è il loro impatto sui sistemi naturali? Qual è il ruolo per l'ordine pubblico? Quali forme dovrebbero prendere tali politiche e interventi secondo la teoria economica? Quali forme prendono in pratica?
Alla fine del corso lo studente dovrebbe essere in grado di valutare criticamente le questioni fondamentali nel dibattito in corso sul rapporto tra l'organizzazione delle attività economiche e l'ambiente. Lo studente dovrebbe anche aver acquisito approcci concettuali e strumenti pratici per gestire le opportunità e gli sviluppi della green economy e i principi alla base delle politiche messe in atto dalle agenzie pubbliche nazionali e sovranazionali in questo campo.

Natural Resources: the basics. Non renewables resources: oil. Renewable Resources: fisheries, groundwater and forests, Climate Change and Sustainability.

Testi adottati
Students may be given selected chapters from the following textbook:

Tietenberg and Lewis, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, latest edition, Pearson

Additional material will be provided during the course.

Metodo di insegnamento
Classes on slides. Students’ involvement will be favored through class presentations and report either in Italian or in English.

Metodo di valutazione
Prova scritta
Prova orale
Valutazione itinere
For those students attending class lectures assessment will be undertaken through two written exams: an intermediate exam and a final exam during and at the end of the course respectively. A short oral discussion at the official exam session. The final grade will be given as a weighted average of midterm exam, the final exam and the oral discussion. For those students who will not attend classes the final assessement is provided through either a written exam or an oral exam in the official calendar. Class attendance and participation will be considered in the assessment.


English version

A preliminary knowledge of the basic concepts, techniques and skills in quantitative methods (calculus and statistics) is essential. A thorough understanding of microeconomic models and analysis at intermediate level is useful for the study of the course material.

Learning outcomes
This course is designed to explore and analyze at an intermediate level the use and management of natural resources in market economies. The natural world we live in contains natural resources that both a) allow our existence on the planet and b) provide for qualities of life we enjoy. These resources range from those above the ground— air, water, trees, fish, etc. to those beneath the ground— coal, natural gas, oil, water, etc. To what extent the use of these resources by economic agents and institutions (firms and consumers) interacting through markets can be considered efficient? What is their impact on natural systems? What is the role for public policy? Which forms should such policies and interventions take according to economic theory? Which forms do they take in practice?
At the end of the course the student should be able to critically evaluate fundamental issues in the current debate on the relationship between the organization of economic activities and the environment. The student should also have acquired conceptual approaches and practical tools to handle opportunities and developments of the green economy and the principles underlying policies put in place by public national and supra national agencies in this field.

Course contents
Natural Resources: the basics. Non renewables resources: oil. Renewable Resources: fisheries, groundwater and forests, Climate Change and Sustainability.

Text Books
Students may be given selected chapters from the following textbook:

Tietenberg and Lewis, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, latest edition, Pearson

Additional material will be provided during the course.

Teaching methods
Classes on slides. Students’ involvement will be favored through class presentations and report either in Italian or in English.

Assessment methods
Written Examination
Oral Examination
Continuous Assessment
For those students attending class lectures assessment will be undertaken through two written exams: an intermediate exam and a final exam during and at the end of the course respectively. A short oral discussion at the official exam session. The final grade will be given as a weighted average of midterm exam, the final exam and the oral discussion. For those students who will not attend classes the final assessement is provided through either a written exam or an oral exam in the official calendar. Class attendance and participation will be considered in the assessment.


Nota bene: per verificare la validità dei programmi degli anni accademici precedenti controllare su LePrE, nella scheda del singolo corso, le note presenti nelle sezioni orari di ricevimento e/o appelli di esame.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 4.8.2023 ore 12:31

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