a.y. 2024/25
The five-year degree course in Law involves twenty-seven formal examinations and six pass/fail tests. Access to the course, which admits a maximum of 150 students each year, is subject to passing an entrance test according to procedures established annually by the University. The favorable student/tutor ratio fosters students' active involvement and a theoretical-practical teaching approach focused on the discussion of cases and legal problems of different levels, on the analysis of Court decisions and legal theories, on the study of Court proceedings; the writing of legal acts as well as the critical examination of regulations, court sentences, opinions, administrative acts.
The course aims to provide an in-depth knowledge of the fundamental sectors of the Italian, European and international legal systems, also on the historical-philosophical dimension; to promote the acquisition of Legal English, the methods of researching legal sources of different levels and the techniques for drafting legal documents; and to provide basic knowledge of legal information technology and the main related technologies.
To encourage specialization, the study plan includes four paths: a) New technologies legal expert; b) Business and Corporation legal expert; c) Public Administrations legal expert; d) Magistrate.
The course is characterised by its professional vocation, by its practical approach to and treatment of the legal sciences and by the attention paid to strengthening the skills of problem solving and legal argumentation, reading and drafting of legal texts (negotiation, judicial and regulatory documents). The course provides specific focuses on IT skills for legal purposes and on the application of new technologies to the legal area.
Internationalization and English language learning opportunities are also available, through courses held in that language by visiting professors from abroad. In addition to being able to take advantage of mobility scholarships for education and internships within the European Union thanks to a large number of agreements within the Erasmus + program (in execution of several Erasmus agreements: Erasmus study, Erasmus for staff - STA and STT -, Erasmus Traineeship and Jean Monnet Chair), students can also apply for, at favorable economic conditions, periods of study at prestigious US Law Schools (Golden Gate University, San Francisco; Fordham University, New York). In particular, the agreement with these American universities allows students to take courses and take examinations useful for obtaining the academic title of Master of Law (L.L.M.). Upon returning to UniSob, the exams taken in the U.S.A. will be recognized by UniSob and, once the Italian degree has been obtained, the interested party can return to the US University where, with the same economic benefits, they can sit the other exams necessary to obtain the LLM, a degree that allows access to the qualification to practice Law in the USA and is an important criterion for selection in international business law firms and in international organizations and NGOs. Significant economic benefits are also provided for the Unisob graduate who wishes to continue their studies by attending courses for the achievement of the L.L.M. For Fordham University, the agreements provide the opportunity for Unisob students to take part in the Legal English training program at the Fordham Law Legal English Institute with significant economic benefits with respect to the tuition fee. Admission by Unisob students to Fordham University undergraduate and graduate programs is also facilitated.
Furthermore, PhD students and lecturers may be nominated each year at Fordham Law School as Visiting Research Fellows and Visiting Scholars. The student is then encouraged, thanks to specific placement and internship services, to attend law firms, judicial offices and public administrations, national and foreign companies, consulates, and diplomatic offices, in implementation of the numerous agreements with these institutions where students acquire practical skills relevant to their professional training. Students are also offered the opportunity to carry out part of the forensic or notary apprenticeship practice valid for the purposes of qualifying for the legal professions and for carrying out professional activities even in the pre-graduate phase at affiliated professional associations.
The knowledge and skills acquired through the degree program can be further
developed after graduation by attending further specialization courses offered
by the University and the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Specialization
for the legal professions, 1st Level Master's degree in E-commerce; 2nd Level
Master's in Family Law and Privacy Law, advanced training courses in consumer
over-indebtedness, and in Condominium Administration.
Furthermore, if and when the relevant national legislation is approved, an
advanced training course will be held to prepare for the qualifying examination
for lawyers).
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