Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
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International Relations

Master of laws (LLM) at Golden Gate University (San Francisco, US) for Unisob law students (undergraduates and graduates)

Golden Gate University      School of Law - Golden Gate University

Do you want to study in the U.S.?
Do you want to achieve an LLM?
Attend the Faculty of Law at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University

The University Suor Orsola Benincasa settled an agreement with the San Francisco Golden Gate University, which provides the opportunity to study in the United States and achieve the title of Master of Laws (LL.M.).

The LL.M - accessible only for those who obtained a degree in Law - is a requirement to be eligible to take the bar exam in the United States and is a prestigious title to pursue careers with international relevance.

Under the Convention:
1) Undergraduate students of the the Suor Orsola Benincasa Faculty of Law - preferably in their fourth or fifth year - can study at the Law School of the University of San Francisco Golden Gate for a semester:
- Paying half of the tuitiom for one semester: $ 9,700 (EUR 8,800) instead of $ 19,400;
- Doing half of the exams required for the achievement dell'LLM. Those exams will be validated by the Faculty of Law of the University Suor Orsola Benincasa.
After obtaining their degree from the Unisob, such students are offered the opportunity to achieve the title of Master of Laws:
- Returning at Golden Gate University;
- Paying the tuition for one semester: $ 9,700 (approximately EUR 8,800);
- Attending the remaining classes, and doing the relevant exams to achieve the LL.M;
- Taking advantage of the exams already done at the Law School in the period before their graduation. The Golden Gate University will count those exams in granting the title of LLM.
2) Students graduated at the Suor Orsola Benincasa Faculty of Law may enroll at the Golden Gate University Law School in San Francisco to achieve the LL.M (Master of Laws), lasting one year, paying half of the line: 19,400 dollars (approximately EUR 17,600) for the full-year, instead of $ 38,400 (approximately EUR 35,000).

Info: e-mail.

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