Dipartimento di
Scienze umanistiche


Laurea magistrale in Conservazione e restauro dei beni culturali

Workshop Making Wall Paintings. Esperienze pratiche di decorazione delle superfici architettoniche

Workshop - corso di Restauro_UNISOB

Making Wall Paintings
esperienze pratiche di decorazione delle superfici architettoniche*

prof. Neva Pološki
University of Zagreb (Croatia), Academy for Fine Arts /
Department for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art

11-19 aprile 2024 - Giardino delle Camelie
sede centrale - Universitą degli Studī Suor Orsola Benincasa
* recupero Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi - OFA indicati dalle cattedre di Tecniche del Restauro; esito finale previsto: esecuzione di pitture murali permanenti nelle pareti del Giardino delle Camelie (Cittadella Universitaria).

technology introduction through practical experience, with notes about other kinds of architectural surfaces decorations.

The workshop foresees theoretical lectures about the history of wall paintings and of the different techniques that have been used in the different countries along time.
Each student is going to make the wall painting (on the walls outside the studio).
The scenes have been chosen by N. Pološki, printed in colour and sent to the students one month before the workshop.
Students will be asked to make the copy of the scene in aquarelle or gouache in 1:1 scale before the workshop starts.

Locandina (pdf)

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