Department of

Interdepartmental Bachelor's Degree in
Archaeology and History of Art

a.a. 2014/15

Degree Programme - Class LM-89 History of Art

Year I
SDS Formative activities CFU
L-ART/04 History of the Artistic Techniques in Ancient and Modern Times 12
L-ANT/08 Medieval Antiques 9
L-FIL-LET/08 Medieval Literature and Philology 9
1 Exam to be selected from among:
ICAR/18 History of Classical Architecture 9
History of Medieval Architecture 9
History of Modern Architecture 9
History of Contemporary architecture 9
1 Foreign Language (to be selected from among the ones not included in the triennium):
L-LIN/12 English Language 6
L-LIN/04 French Language 6
L-LIN/07 Spanish Language 6
L-LIN/14 German Language 6
L-LIN/09 Portuguese Language 6
1 Laboratory to be selected from among the ones not included in the triennium:
Laboratory on the Metals Restoration 3
Laboratory on the Wood Restoration 3
Laboratory on Diagnostics and Book and Manuscript Conservation 3
Laboratory on the Canvas Paintings Restoration 3
Laboratory on the Photographic Materials Restoration 3
12 CFU to be selected from among:
M-STO/01 Methodology of the Historical Research 6
M-STO/02 History of Modern Europe 6
M-STO/04 History of Contemporary Europe 6
M-STO/01 History of the Mediterranean 6
L-ART/01 History of the Miniatures 6
L-ART/02 History of the Graphic Arts and Techniques 6
L-ART/06 History of Photography 6
L-ART/07 History of Cinema 6
M-FIL/04 Aesthetics 6
L-LIN/01 General Linguistics 6
Year I Total CFU 60
Year II
SDS Formative activities CFU
L-ART/01 History of Medieval Art in the Mediterranean 9
L-ART/02 History of Modern Art in Europe 9
L-ART/03 History of Art of the Contemporary World 9
L-ART/02 History of Minor Arts 6
L-ART/04 Methodology and History of Art Criticism 9
SPS/02 History of the Political and Philosophical Thought 6
1 Laboratory to be selected from among the ones not included in the triennium:
Laboratory on the Metals Restoration 3
Laboratory on the Wood Restoration 3
Laboratory on Diagnostics and Book and Manuscript Conservation 3
Laboratory on the Canvas Paintings Restoration 3
Laboratory on the Photographic Materials Restoration 3
Final Exam 9
Year II Total CFU 60

N.B.: activities in italic do not provide for an evaluation scale out of 30.

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