Department of

Master's degree program in
Archaeology and History of Art

a.y. 2019/20

Degree Programme - Class LM-2 Archaeology

Year I
SDS Formative activities CFU
L-FIL-LET/08 Medieval Philology and Literature 9
L-ANT/08 Methods and Tools to Analyse Archaeological Middle-Age 9
L-ART/04 History of Art Techniques in Ancient and Modern Times 12
1 exam to be selected from among:
ICAR/18 History of Classical Architecture 9
ICAR/18 History of Medieval Architecture 9
1 Foreign Language (to be selected from among the ones not included in the triennium):
L-LIN/12 English for Cultural Heritage 6
L-LIN/12 Language (English) 2 6
L-LIN/04 French Language 6
L-LIN/07 Spanish Language 6
L-LIN/14 German Language 6
An activity to be selected from among:
Excavation Sites Year I 3
Routes through ancient Southern Italy 3
Credits at students' choice (at least 6 CFU from among the Historical subjects) 12
Year I Total CFU 60
Year II
SDS Formative activities CFU
L-ANT/07 Archaeology of Athens and Attica 9
L-ANT/10 Cultures of the Bronze Age 6
L-OR/04 Languages Cultures and History of the Ancient Middle East 9
L-FIL-LET/08 New Technologies and Medieval Texts 9
L-ANT/10 Research Strategies in Archaeological Contexts 9
IUS/09 Protection and Enhancement of the Archaeological Heritage 6
An activity to be selected from among:
Excavation Sites Year II 3
Diagnostic Laboratory Archaeological 3
Final Exam 9
Year II Total CFU 60

Note: the assessment of the activities in italics are not expressed as marks on a point scale of 30, but as pass/fail, or by scaled evaluative remarks ('excellent', 'extremely good', 'distinctive/very good', 'good', 'fair', 'sufficient').

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