The Job Placement service offers vocational training and guidance, in line with the competences of each individual Faculty, for recent graduates and students enrolled on postgraduate courses at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University. The service aims to facilitate the transition from university into the labour market.
The Job Placement service offers:
- Individual orientation interviews: drafting an effective Curriculum Vitae;
designing an appropriate professional profile; guidance and support with active
employment policies and with the selection of postgraduate study paths.
- Career counselling.
- Vocational training and guidance workshops for the acquisition of soft skills.
- Access to placement and internship offers in Italy and abroad.
- Staff pre-selection procedures.
- Access to selected online vocational training offers and job offers.
- Membership of the Suor Orsola Benincasa Graduate Student Association.
- Staff pre-selection for internships and placements.
- Consultation of graduate CVs.
- Possibility to match up job offers and job searches.
- Promotion of events: company overview presentation, assessment day, job day,
career day, other events.
- Customized human resources needs analysis.
- Guidance and support with active employment policies
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