Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli
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The Student Internships service

The Student Internship Office, directed by Professor Alessandra Storlazzi, aims at introducing students to the world of work through highly qualifying formative sessions, in compliance with the European objectives.

The Student Internships Office:
- Draws up agreements
- Activates Internships
- Keeps a database of the agreements drawn up with external actors
- Daily works at its implementation
- maintains contacts with the host organisations, in order to match their requirements with the students' needs
- Takes care of the applications collection and selection, when externally required
- Offers a careful tutoring service to interns in order to make the internship experience something really meaningful
- Publishes online Internship opportunities
- Establishes relations of cooperation and partnerships with businesses
- Organises conventions and laboratories on economic issues and the business world
- Collects and monitors data related to internships

UNISOB pays great attention to internships occurring during the study path, because they represent important experience with the external world (businesses, public institutions, associations, notary offices) which boost the chances to get a job in line with the knowledge acquired at university.

The OECD report on education (Education at a Glance 2011) shows that the Italian employers prefer graduates with work experience to those without. According to the Unisob's strategy, the internship is a fundamental moment within the formative path; so that the new graduates facing the labour market already holds the required work experiences and competences.

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